ahhh, external validation
So who out there doesn't love http://feministing.com? (If you answered "me", get off my site.)
I have once before posted a comment on feministing and really, all was for naught. It was nice to get my voice out there, especially because I had such pertinent info, but what's the result of internet commenting? Really? It's just a chance for people with different opinions to bicker, argue, and get their daily dose of rage.
I think the intention however, (at least on feministing) is for discussion and dialogue. So I gave it another shot. I even used the sentence "Perhaps the gender binary is nothing more than a tool of the capitalistic patriarchy and I'm sick of studies from the US Census focusing on it." Woh. That's an intense sentence that has the possibility of pissing a lot of people off. But it seemed like a non-controversial enough topic that people who actually read the comments might be interested in my critique of the article. So I posted it.
I'm now experiencing way too much joy and validation from the following comment: "I agree with Struby." Is that really all I need? I feel better than I have in a while--we all know things have been rough, or wait, maybe we don't, because I like to hide everything I feel from everyone I know, bummer--and it's all from some stranger taking what I said honestly and rewarding me for it. (Somewhat) publicly.
Think of how much better the world could be if we all gave each other a chance to say what we believed, and then we reacted honestly and weren't afraid to tell people when we agree with them and are impressed by them. My goal for the rest of the day, to point out the positive whenever and wherever I see it.
PS Goal number two: drink more water and eat more fruit. Just putting it out there.