curses to the 25th of december
I really thought that the absolutely most annoying Christmas bull I had to put up with was the incessant and terrible Christmas music. I pretty much hate it all. Wait, let me check, yep, I hate it all. But no, it gets worse. Why do people feel the need to forward on a painfully large number of painfully worse email forwards? Are email forwards ever good? Maybe like, 1 in 20? And now, not only has the frequency increased exponentially, but the terrible quality as well. Not only that, but almost all of them automatically play the aforementioned Christmas music. Misogynist, sexist, racist, offensive jokes are never funny. Nope, not even when you try to make them about wrapping paper. In fact, they're worse when they're about wrapping paper.
You know what? I think all of Christianity is based on Mary being a good liar that she didn't sleep around. My family makes me feel like shit. Besides that, they send me gifts like White Diamonds by Elizabeth Taylor. (Yes, I actually received that today when I said a big Fuck You to tradition and opened my Christmas packages on the day I received them. Believe me, I'll need the time to try to come up with the Thank-You-I-Love-It lies.) I've done a great job of not being negative this year and seeing the positive for other people, but I think it's all a crock of shit and if I get one more fucking forward wishing me a Merry Christmas and telling me to remember what Christmas is "really about" and reminding me that women and minorities are stupid, I'm going to explode.
Happy Winter Solstice tomorrow. Go outside, breathe in the cold air, and look for the Winter Solstice Fairy. She'll be sparkly and in striped socks.
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