Not my Real Name

Monday, March 13, 2006

who am i again?

So, I've started a poem. It's rhymed and metered. The alternating stanzas have matching tones. The one main problem I thought of since stopping mid-stanza yesterday to deal with a bird problem (you can't even imagine) is that the first stanza talks to a general "you" while the rest of the poem clearly speaks to one specific "you". Or does it? Perhaps the first "you" can be specific. I don't know. I'm not going to type out my thoughts, but there's a clash that I have to re-examine.

The point is that this free-verse fan is working on an alternating hexameter and pentameter abcb rhyme scheme quatrain poem and I really like it. I don't have it with me, but I have the first stanza memorized:

empty cigarette pack
i don't even smoke
poems to get your lips wet
words to make you choke

You get the idea. Once it's finished I'll post it here. As long as I can finish it and I still like it.



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