Seriously. Awesome.
This is but a single grain of sand on the metaphorical beach of my love for the Vagina Monologues. It was written by a returning cast member.
"so this afternoon after rehearsal, I was walking through target with my tampons and dove chocolate (CLICHE). My mom called me telling me that Megan AND Melissa (my little sisters who are 16 and 18) will be coming to see the performance. I was a little shocked, "what?
melissa actually wants to come?" and my mom told me that yes, yes she did. (at this point i want to mention that when i recommended the book to Melissa and let her borrow my beloved copy, she told me she read the first few pages and had to close it because she was just so uncomfortable.)
She told my mom that the fact that i extended the invitation to her, despite knowing how uncomfortable vagina-related talk makes her, really meant a lot. She said that even though she was probably going to be uncomfortable at times, she still wanted to go because it meant a lot to ME. She said that sisters are supposed to support eachother. My mom explained to her that the performance WILL make her laugh, it WILL make her cringe and it WILL make her uncomfortable. She probably WILL cry. My mom and sister both cried last year, despite reading the book and seeing Eve perform on TV. My mom explained to her that even after my countless times seeing the women in this cast perform, that I still cry and laugh and cringe. "because women who speak up about things they 'aren't supposed to' just have that power over people." she said.
and then i became the girl in target with tampons and chocolate who was crying."
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