I read the highlights from the Chronicle of Higher Education today. There's been a special section on Virginia Tech since the shootings. I started to get mad. Where is the talk of gun control? And then I went to look for a different letter that had been written for a different publication, and I came upon a very short, student-written letter about students and faculty needing to protect themselves and that these senseless anti-gun laws on our campus should really be looked at in light of recent events.
WHAT?!! Fuck. Come on.
How many (school) massacres do we need to have in this country before we'll start to regulate the unimaginable easy access to guns in this country? How many deaths? How many? Whenwhenwhen will we stop thinking that guns are the answer to people dying by guns? When will we look at other parts of the world, and see that they have gun control, and that they don't have as many gun related deaths? When? How many more people need to die before we'll see this as a problem?
But here I go again with my ethnocentricity. How many people need to die in Iraq before we'll stop waging war?
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