Not my Real Name

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Fun Fact

Y'know how if you have gmail they put those "relevant" banner ads up and down the sides of your email? Y'know, whenever my dad emails and he leaves his signature at the bottom, suddenly there are a slew of ads about buying property and real estate in Reno and Tahoe? Or if I write something about an ex, or a current, or my heart, or whatever, I get misguided pop psych about "how to keep him from breaking up with you" or "how to get her back" or whatever else genderific advertising that would probably make a really interesting paper topic, but I don't care enough, nor am I taking any Women's and Gender Studies classes.

The fun fact is, I really talk about coffee a lot. I pretend that I don't, but I don't think I ever ever ever don't have a coffee ad at the very top. I mean, always. It's like my weather/safety topic. For all you non-coffee drinkers, sorry. Just insert your own almost-always-acceptable-reason-for-whatever-you-want (smokers, you know what I'm talking about) and keep reading. Always always always, please, keep reading.


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